Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Azyl Biała Podlaska

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Lolek and I have been at Azyl for 12 years, and I have 14 summers under my dog ​​account. I came to the shelter with a prolapsed anus, which was life-threatening. I managed to sew it back on and now I can't eat anything hard. I am very calm, I like long walks interrupted by good delicacies. I am not aggressive towards other animals, I enjoy the company of female dogs, but when provoked by another dog, I can growl. I love stroking, scratching and cuddling. I keep an eye on my volunteer on walks, even without a leash. I am a perfect dog for a home with seniors. Maybe you want to give me the warmth of your heart?

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