Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Hi Santa!
My name is Kartofel. I came to the foundation relatively recently with my brother Ziemniak. We look like twins, we behave as if we were inseparable and I think we are one cat in two bodies. The foundation wanted to help us a lot, but they had no place to accept us. Fortunately, they foung a place for us in temporary houses.
We had luxuries at a temporary house, it's a different life! They took care of us, cured and showed us true love. Thanks to them I became a real sweet cat! I love to purr, put the tummy up and show my innermost feelings. People turned out to be surprisingly cool! Even better than them is their kitchen cabinet in which delicious delicacies hide. When it comes to duties, I am a faithful companion and I am always happy to help in homework, washing, cleaning or cooking !
Your Kartofel 

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