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Chrytatywna Choinka




Przytulisko na Wiśniowej - Sandomierskie Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Zwierząt

I'm Wolf, and I'm a full-fledged individualist. Quiet and calm. A world observer. I'm not pushy, I don't seek attention or physical contact. I'm beside the people who take care of me, and with each passing day, I get closer and closer, but it's still too early for cuddles. The folks at the shelter understand how I am, and what's important to me, and they respect my need for personal space. I enjoy walks in the meadow and time spent on the play yard. I like having one-on-one time with my caregiver and mingling with the crowd in the common yard. I love the sun and the way the wind tickles my ears. I avoid noise and people who gesture a lot because they scare me. I'm still learning to trust, to connect with humans, and to believe that I'm safe and nothing bad will happen to me. Whenever I can, I show my gratitude for being given a second chance and the opportunity for a good life.

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