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Chrytatywna Choinka




Przytulisko na Wiśniowej - Sandomierskie Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Zwierząt

I'm Maniuś, also known as Maniutek and Maninini. I'm always a bit tousled, always on the go, and always hungry. I feel equally comfortable in a crowd or on a solo walk. I can give you a look that makes your legs go weak and your breath catch. I love to cuddle enthusiastically, even though sometimes the people who hug me end up with fur on them, and I get fur on me. I have a slight weight issue, but it's not because of an excessive appetite; I think it's a magic spell that was cast on me. I've had some seizures in the past, so many people visiting the shelter tend to overlook me. But it's not my fault. Thanks to well-chosen medication, I haven't had a seizure in months, but my chances of adoption are still slim. I'm not upset about it because the shelter is my home, and my people here love me more than anything.

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