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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Zwierząt Małych w Dłużynie Górnej - Stowarzyszenie Inicjatywa dla Zwierząt

I am Ponura and I am 2 years old. I came to the property with my siblings. Finally someone managed to catch us and we came to the shelter. At first I was a bit distrustful to people. I needed some time to de -stress. When someone sits down with me and strokes, I start to purr and fawn. When I relax, I'm very loved and hug. At the first contact with strangers, I usually run away, but to someone I know well, I approach myself and expect taming on my tummy. I am still young, so I will definitely learn to trust a man in my new home and I will be a fantastic companion. I am not picky when it comes to food, but the more meat, the better.

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