Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Zwierząt Małych w Dłużynie Górnej - Stowarzyszenie Inicjatywa dla Zwierząt

My name is Ninka, I am a young cat. I am afraid of people, I am shy and reluctant to approach them. I prefer to lie in peace on my bed and watch everyone from a distance. It's not easy to catch me in a larger space, but if someone manages to do it, they can pet me easily. I will even purr and fawn. However, I am so shy that I won't approach first. I feel safe in the cat enclosure. I am very calm and polite, I do not bother other cats, I am submissive. Despite my fear, I am waiting for a home and dreaming of my family. I will be grateful if you give me cans of delicious wet food

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