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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Kundelek Iłów

My name is Bączek, and soon darkness will surround me. I'm facing homelessness. Recently, my caregivers noticed that I've been behaving differently, so they took me for a consultation. It turns out that the retina in my eye is slowly deteriorating. I will see worse and worse until I likely go completely blind. If someone were to give me a chance now, I could still learn the layout of rooms, furniture, and my surroundings. Sadly, nobody wanted me, even when I was healthy. How could someone love a dog with a flaw? A regular black dog who won't be able to see... I know that my chances of adoption are almost zero, but I never stop dreaming of a home. I'm about 4 years old, weighing 19kg (though I should lose a bit of weight). I'm an energetic, cheerful, and gentle dog. I get along with everyone and love everything. I can walk on a leash. I've been dewormed, treated for fleas, vaccinated, microchipped, and neutered. I'm currently in IŁÓW (96-520) in the Mazowieckie province, but I'm looking for a home anywhere in Poland because my caregivers can assist with transportation.

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