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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Kundelek Iłów

I'm Brutus, although the ladies here call me Bruti. I don't want to remember my old life because I don't want to think about the people who abandoned me. I waited for them for two weeks, hungry and freezing... But they never came back. I begged for help, I tried to enter the property, but no one wanted to assist me. There are so many houses around, and I had to sleep in the field. The wind was blowing, the snow was falling, and I wished I couldn't feel anything anymore. My stomach was growling so much... Finally, some kind ladies appeared with a strange cage, and inside, they placed some food. I really wanted to eat, but I was afraid to go in. The ladies wanted someone to let me onto the property. I wanted to tell them it didn't make sense, nobody would let me in. But in the end, they managed to persuade someone... I have no idea how... They lured me with food, so I went in. I was scared, but they finally caught me. It's a good thing because now I know they wanted the best for me. I've been living in the foundation for two years now. I have a kennel, food, and the ladies who pet me and try to get me used to walking on a leash. But it's not easy for them. I wish I could have a home... But I know it's not that simple, there are thousands of big, black dogs like me... That's okay; I'll wait here. After all, I have my whole life ahead of me. Iłów, Mazowieckie, but the ladies can help with transportation! Phone: 728-267-534.

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