Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

Before I got here to Azyl, I lived for several years in a pen in a shelter. I was very afraid of people and avoided them. They talked about me that I was angry, aggressive. And it was enough to give me a chance. It was only here that the aunt gave it to me. They couldn't believe what they said about me in the shelter. I lost too many years behind bars away from people. Now I want to make up for it. I enjoy everything! I am still afraid and I am timidly approaching people but when I meet someone, I love him, I want to go for walks and spend time together! I do not quite understand what these leashes are for, I feel best in the yard (of course outside the house), busy streets and leashes are not for me. I live with cats and other dogs and I like everyone the same. Will you help me? By buying me some food or visiting me? I live in Nasielsk near Warsaw. Tel. To Aunt Marta 500 707 082

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