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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Toruniu

My name is Tashi and I am in the Toruń shelter for the second time... I used to be a guard in a company building, I had my own area and guardians, and nothing, nothing escaped my attention, oh no. I had the life I like, in the wild, I organized my day myself, I walked my paths. Once upon a time, because of various turmoil, the company had to give up the dog in the area, no one could take me home, so I came to the shelter. I have been sitting here for over 3 years ... Nobody asks about me and time is running out. I don't have many requirements, I'm not as active as a few years ago, but I like to sniff here and there, and have sticks to play. I get along nicely with dogs and I could live with some, it would be nice if I had a house with a garden at my disposal - that's what my dream is.

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