Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla psów w Sokołowie Podlaskim

Ho! Ho! Ho! It's me, Mela. I was found when I was running on a busy street in Sokołów Podlaski, and then with difficulty, in a rainy season I was secured by a sensitive gril from the city. Because I didn't have an addressee nor chip, I was taken to a dog shelter in Sokołów Podlaski. I am a tiny, friendly, and very lovely being. I accept other animals, I walk beautifully on a leash. I am a bit fearful, but a few moments are enough for me to become calmer and joyful. I am about 8 years old. I weigh 10 kg. I am sterilized, vaccinated, and ready for adoption. Is there be someone who will love me? Contact on adoption: +48 663 143 787.

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