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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie ROTT.PL

I am Otis, I had a good life, I lived with my master who loved me very much, I had my toys, slept on the couch and got good food (maybe a little too much, but it is for love). Unfortunately, one day my master went away forever, and my family gave me to a place where there were a lot of dogs. They didn't want me, they said they couldn't take care of me, my beloved gentleman would be sad. There were dogs in this new place, it was cold, there was no sofa. I cried a lot, I cried all day, because I wanted to the Lord, to warm. The dogs were barking, I was very afraid. Fortunately, cool people came to Kasia and Marek and took me from this terrible place. I lived with them, they call it a temporary house, I have my friends here. I like my herd, I like Kasia and Marek, and I like the sofa the most. I am already an older dog, but I hope that there will be a person who will love me forever and I will give me a home, so they are so

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