Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka





My name is Cleo and I am writing to you with my aunt's handwriting, because at the beginning of my life I came down with a very nasty disease - cat's cold. Everyone tried their best to take care of me: I came to Wrocław all the way from Leszno, hungry and emaciated, apparently I looked more like a stick than the happy tortoiseshell I grew up to be. I run, jump and behave like any young cat. You wouldn't say I couldn't see, would you? Ha! I'm so brave! I underwent two surgeries in an ophthalmological clinic, but although every effort was made to take care of me, the disease won and my eyes could not be saved. But it's nothing! I may not see you, but I will definitely hear you and smell you, and try to take something from my bowl and you will see how brave I am! Just kidding, I'm polite and that's why I ask nicely for Christmas presents.

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