Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka





I came to EKOSTRAŻ in the 2022 asparagus season. I guess that's why they gave me such a strange name! I'm a ragged country kitten, a pile of misfortune - white asparagus! It was clear at first glance that the life of a pig was not serving me... The list of my ailments was long: starting with my fur in poor condition, abrasions on the skin, missing teeth, problems with my ears (I had an ugly lesion, I lost a piece of my ear), through a severe runny nose, which resulted in general weakness, significant emaciation and hypothermia, and diarrhea caused by intestinal inflammation... Even though I could barely stand on my legs, I was attracted to people. And people cured me! I have changed beyond recognition, although I am still wheezing - a consequence of chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. I love all creation! I don't know why I still don't have a home... Maybe I'll at least find a present under the Christmas tree?

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