Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka


setka z cyferkami


Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Dear Santa, I recently learned about your existence. Apparently you help selflessly, care for others and deliver gifts. Don't be offended, but then there are probably more Santa Clauses. My beloved volunteers from the RATUJ Group, wonderful aunts and wonderful uncles. They selflessly helped me when I was kicked out of my "home" for getting pregnant. They were the ones who took care of all nine of my children when I thought there was no help for us. They were the ones who provided a warm and cozy corner when we were all sitting and freezing in the dark basement. Thanks to them, I can now sleep peacefully and not worry every day about the future of my children and myself. We have toys, colorful blankets, lots of stroking from aunts and uncles, but there are a few things we miss. First of all, we ask for dry and wet starter food and wet recovery food. I would also like a super colorful and beautiful leash with a harness so that I can go for walks and get a little respite from my crazy nine. You probably won't be able to deliver gifts to everyone, but I hope that you will choose me and my children so that for the first time we can spend the holidays the way Christmas should be spent. Thank you very much, Your Setka and my 9 children - Cyferki.

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