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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schroniska dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Oświęcimiu

Hello, I'm glad you can get to know me. My name is Paździorek, and I was born in a recreational area where I spent many years of my life. It was nice in the summer because everyone brought me food, but when winter came, I was left alone. I was cold, and my tummy was empty. I lost all my teeth, which made it hard for me to find food. My eyes hurt because it turned out my eyelids were rolled in, so my eyelashes constantly irritated them. When my mommies caught me, I wasn't happy at first because I went to the vets a lot for various treatments. But now, I'm grateful. My eyes have been operated on, so they don't hurt anymore. I suffer from IBD, which is idiopathic bowel disease. I need a special diet and regular check-ups for my digestive system. I'm happy that I can sleep in a warm bed now in the company of humans.

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