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Chrytatywna Choinka




Przytulisko na Wiśniowej - Sandomierskie Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Zwierząt

Hey, I'm Karmi, and I'm just the right size for that saying 'a dog licking your face' to happen quite literally. I'm a bit on the pudgy side, so graceful ballet moves aren't really my thing (I'm more of a bumped bunny). But I've got a fantastic brain and a heart full of love! In other words, just like the rest of the Przytulnych crew, I'm a true gem. The only hiccup in my otherwise perfect self is my liver. It's not in great shape, and I've had a major operation and I'm still recovering. But I've got a huge will to live, so I'm fighting hard! P.S. Did I mention I love humans more than anything in the world? Because I do. I need them like I need air and a full food bowl? I do.

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