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Chrytatywna Choinka




Przytulisko na Wiśniowej - Sandomierskie Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Zwierząt

Hi there, I'm Astor, you can call me Grandpa Astor. My right ear is like a super-sensitive radar – it can pick up the faintest crinkle of a hot dog wrapper in a sea of noises. My right eye is just as impressive, it spots a treat bag from a mile away. Now, my left ear and left eye aren't as sharp, they don't work so well. And my back legs aren't as nimble, so sometimes my paws don't cooperate. I'm not as spry as I used to be, that's true. But, the volunteers here, they say my imperfections just make me even more charming, and they love me more every day ???? Oh, and here's a fun fact: when I get out in a big open field, I turn into a spirited racehorse, despite my age!

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