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Chrytatywna Choinka




Przytulisko na Wiśniowej - Sandomierskie Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Zwierząt

My name is Nutka. I have a problem with shyness. I'm embarrassed around strangers, and I keep my distance. The problem and the distance are quite substantial, a bit like the size of K2... But I'm slowly learning to overcome my shyness and reduce the distance. Sometimes the spots on my face arrange themselves in a twisted way, making me look like a Wiśniowy Anonymous member. That's my superpower! I can also coo with joy like a dove. I'm a fan of hot dogs, biscuits, and the Azyl Shelter. Occasionally, I freeze in place, which means there's a beetle or some other bug in front of me. I'm neutral towards them and will even let them pass, as long as they don't surprise attack my nose. I'm only hostile to rodents and overly large plush toys.

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