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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie ROTT.PL

I am Nergal, but they also call me Bolus, I am about 3 years old. The first year my life was very sad. I was kept in a small, dirty playpen. I had never been on a walk, nobody stroked me or gave me a hug. And I like hugging very much. My body hurt because it was all covered with wounds, fleas were biting me. And one day good people came, took me to such a thing which they called a car. I was very afraid, but they were nice, they stroked and they spoke to me nice words. They took me to the place where she was, my Ania. She was very sad as she saw me. I trusted her because she stroked me, she gave me delicious food that I had never eaten before. For the first time in my life I went to the meadow for a walk. I was allowed to smell, roll up the grass and all this made me very happy. My skin has been cured, it doesn't hurt anymore. After some time I changed the temporary house and now I live with Kasia and Marek. I like them too but I have been waiting for my own home for over two years, nobody wants me, and I am a great dog. The only problem is that I can't live with other animals, nobody taught me how to cope with them and I'm afraid because of that.

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