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Chrytatywna Choinka




Przytulisko na Wiśniowej - Sandomierskie Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Zwierząt

I am Chanelka - a small weight but foreign to all aggression. I love a human and I know that he is waiting for me somewhere. The only one who is just late for me. But he will find the way and find me in the herd. He will take home, he will choose a life with me. I am a cuddly tort and a sister of Coco. I love life, sun, meadows, worms, thickets, messing around, annoying Grandpa Azyl, and planning the theft of someone else's rumen - they are so beautifully smelly! I also love my sister, but I can't pretend sometimes she annoys me and then a family hell happens. I don't like to go back to the pen ... I need a home because dog children should not live in shelters. Their place is with a good and wise human who will give them a sense of security and respect that dogs need.

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