Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu

Hi, I'm Jim and I don't really trust the world. I assume in advance that nothing good will happen to me from him. That's why I'm a cautious, distant dog, attached to my rules and personal space. There were few people in my life, so I learned to live on my own. I allow myself to be handled and touched, but by people I trust and with respect for my boundaries. I am willing to work for food, I also learned a few commands. I'll be a really diligent student if I'm given the chance! I need a calm, stable and predictable environment. I can live in the yard, provided that the future owner provides me with a solid, insulated kennel and daily walks. I will be grateful if you would like to give me delicious food and supplements.

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