Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu

My name is Dora and my life has not been a bed of roses. For most of my life as a dog, I lived in a house I wanted to escape from. When I finally succeeded, the new owner was unable to provide me with a better life and that's how I ended up in a shelter. Despite what happened to me, I believe that I will find a wonderful home. I am known as friendly and balanced. I have my own quiet lifestyle. On walks, I walk well on a leash and pay attention to the guide. I'm not interested in runners and bikes. I don't like other dogs, but if I'm well behaved I don't pay attention to them. I love water! I'm so happy when I can go in and soak in the lake, even for a moment. I bravely endure beauty treatments such as combing. And if you want to give me something, I will happily accept food and supplements.

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