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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu

Hi! My name is Bugs, but they often call me Bunny. I am an energetic dog of extraordinary beauty. I always have one ear up and the other floppy. I am a medium-sized, brown dog. My adventure with the shelter began for the second time, which meant I had to learn life again, but thanks to the help of my caregiver, I made up for it beautifully. I am a boy with a huge heart who will love it with all his being. I have enormous amounts of energy. I'm gradually overcoming my fears of people who once hurt me so much. I warmly welcome people I know. I have a balanced character, I will be a nice life companion for a fairly active person. I know basic commands like "sit" and "give me your paw". I'm not much of a sweet tooth, and I prefer to mind my own business while walking. I will be happy if you want to buy me flavors or supplements.I know the basic commands like "Sit", "Give me a paw". I am not too much gourmand, and on a walk I prefer to deal with my affairs.

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