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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu

Hi, my name is Isztwan - a cheerful, living pooch, always willing to go for a walk. I like all people. I love sniffing. I am a greedy, which will help me teach me tricks and obedience. I am very grateful for every hour or half an hour devoted to me. I am trusting, spontaneous, going for walks with me is real joy and relaxation. You just have to be careful when dealing with other dogs, I sometimes bother them. I am a strong medium -sized dog, I have a crimp body, very nice thick hair. I smile beautifully and happily with my tail. Sometimes cyclists and runners annoy me, I prefer when there is no excess stimuli on the walking route. I was abandoned by the owners in the forest. I miss home and everyday, close contact with man.

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