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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Sterczące Uszy

Hello, I'm Figa, or as my close friends call me - Figusia, Mirabelka, Dynia, Klusek, or whatever they come up with. My story began at the end of 2020 when someone abandoned me at the cemetery. I was only 6 months old then. I was elusive for about half a year, but I finally allowed myself to be caught and I fell in love with people! They take such good care of me that I envy myself sometimes. What a life! I used to be so scared that I wouldn't even come out from under the bed, but now? Now, I'm almost 3 years old, and every 3 months, I go to the groomer. I've had blood and urine tests that showed I need to eat wet food to increase my water intake (my foster mom tried adding water to my dry food, but I turned my nose up at it). I enjoy playing with other dogs, I'm fine with cats, and I adore little kids. They pet me a lot! My body doesn't tolerate grains and chicken; they make me gassy, give me diarrhea, and upset my tummy. Not fun! I don't recommend it! On the other hand, I love rabbit ears, and my foster mom gives them to me during our walks to boost my confidence! Since I started taking the prescribed anti-anxiety meds, I've become so relaxed that people are amazed! I've made a lot of progress, and my only issue to work on is separation anxiety, but we're getting there. I'm still looking for that loving family...

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