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Chrytatywna Choinka




Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami w Polsce Oddział w Suwałkach

Hello everyone. I was trapped for a year in a shelter in Wojtyszki, apparently a lot of people know that there was a lot of intervention in February 2023. In general, this is a bad shelter and it is better to forget about it. I got out and live in asylum for older dogs. They say that I look like a racial German Shepherd and it's impossible that nobody is looking for me. However, I have been sitting here for six months and waiting for the house. I am an arranged, beloved and wonderful pooch. I like other dogs, I love people, I really like to tap them and spend time calmly. The hind legs sometimes hurt, but apparently older shepherds have so often. It would be nice if someone took me to a home lair. And now I am asking for a Christmas gift, I have heard that it is a nice and tasty gesture.

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