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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Psitulmnie w Zabrzu

Good morning, my name is Kibic. I am a medium-sized dog and I was born around 2013. On December 31, 2019, I appeared at the shelter for the first time with the daughter of my deceased owner, who became my current owner. She wanted to give me back because when I'm left alone at home I howl loudly and there is a small 2-month-old baby at home. The shelter employees did not agree to let me stay the same day. I remember how scared I was, everything terrified me. Tail beneath me, I was shaking, eyes wide trying to take in everything in front of me, next to me and behind me. Under this stress, I recorded every second that passed. Only when I left the shelter was I able to calm down. Upon seeing this, the shelter announced that if the current owner shared photos with a description, the shelter staff would make every effort to find a new home for me. Not much later, on January 5, 2020, the partner of my previous owner came to the shelter again, and the owner of Czika, who had recently left our shelter, whom he equally shamefully abandoned at home alone. And he left me at the shelter. I don't know if anyone realizes how I must feel. My beloved owner is gone because she passed away. And her family doesn't want me, she hasn't even made an announcement these days to even try. I will stay here forever. It was terrible, and now it's not great, but walking is a huge motivation - that's when I can make any progress and slowly open up. I am a very clean dog, I do all my needs outside. Recently, I surprised my employees with my behavior because when I get excited, it turned out that I can jump very high. So there are some emotions, but I will need an experienced owner. I have current vaccinations and deworming. I was also microchipped and neutered.

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