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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Psitulmnie w Zabrzu

Zizi is a medium -sized dog -like dog and is already about 11 years old. He came to us on November 18, 2014 from the "Biała Róża" allotment gardens at ul. Kalinowa. As long as his owner was functional and slightly younger the dog's conditions were impeccable. Unfortunately, as it happens in most situations, when you need help, even a family will not help. That was also in this case. Zizi lives in a shelter boxing, he is afraid of people, he can't walk on a leash. He certainly needs a man with a large supply of love, patience and the right approach, because the pooch is visible in good intentions, but fear prevails and the only thing he wants to do is to withdraw. He really needs new, good and loving owners.

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