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Chrytatywna Choinka


bowie i czaqu


Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Toruniu

Hi there, it's Bowie and Czaqu! Maybe at first glance, you wouldn't guess it, but we're brothers. We ended up in the shelter at different times, but from the same place - a place where control over a growing pack of dogs was lost long ago. We lived in the fields and had no contact with humans from a very young age... Currently, we're around 4 years old, and we've been in the shelter for over two years. We've learned a lot during this time, even though we were a bit resistant at first. But now, things are different. We're warming up to people, love going for walks, especially together, and we absolutely adore splashing around in the water! Whether it's a little lake, a pond, or even a small kiddie pool - we'll plop our behinds in there too. We may have our occasional brotherly squabbles, but in general, we get along really well, it's our little secret. We also get along with other dogs!

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