Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Toruniu

Hello, they call me Szeryf, but it's just a cover, I'm not as brave as a real sheriff should be... But you can help me with that by giving me a good home, a sense of security, and showing me the world! I'm only 5 years old and have a lot ahead of me. I've been living in a shelter for the past 3 years, which is basically most of my life, and I really want to finally find my family. I'm quite shy, a bit fearful, so I might not seek your attention right away, but if you give me time, who knows how our relationship will develop. My friends from the kennel are a great support for me, so it would be awesome if there was another dog in my new home who could show me the way to my guardian and prove that humans aren't so bad.

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