Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Dear Santa Claus,
I was hoping that I would find a way to give you my letter - apparently my hands are not good for writing, but luckily I have someone to dictate it to. Thanks to this, for the first time in my life I have a chance to receive a Christmas gift!
I am Dracula, not as dangerous as my name sounds! Rather, completely the opposite.
You see, I once lived in a house where drugs and mess were commonplace. It was a terrible place where my stomach was always empty and my heart was sad. But then this wonderful team from the foundation arrived and, surprisingly, something incredible happened - a new opportunity appeared for me.
Now I temporarily live with people who give me love, warmth and food! You know, right now I must admit that my belly is growing slowly but surely. It's like I have a little light inside me that fills me with joy and hope. You see, I have this thought now that maybe the world is a place full of good things after all. Maybe dreams come true after all? Maybe I will soon have my own loving family?
On a down to earth level - I dream of grain-free wet food, I have to gain weight because I still look like a skeleton. I will also be happy with litter, e.g. Cats Best.
Thank you, Santa Claus, for always having time to listen to little furry wishes. Maybe, who knows, you'll visit me sometimes when I'm intently sniffing a new bowl of wet food?
Warm hugs and cuddly dogs, Dracula

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