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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Bezdomnym i Porzuconym Zwierzętom - Oczami Zwierząt

I'm a disabled kitten - probably my mother hugged me too hard during the move and damaged something in my neck there. And then she lost it along the way.... Ehh... But a human found me and thanks to that I am alive. I'm 4 years old, and that's how long I've been under the care of the aunts from the association. They bottle-fed me, treated me, rehabilitated me. They have been successful. Sometimes I walk a little wobbly because I have contractures and I don't always manage to jump on four paws. But that's nothing! Everyone falls down sometimes, right? I run as fast as I can after other cats, play with them and go crazy. With food I don't picky, but I'll quietly add that I love chicken. They say I'm cuddly and even sometimes intrusive. Maybe it's because I miss my man? I don't know, my aunts say so....

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