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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Przytul Sierściucha

My name is Łapka, although some call me Łatka. In the winter of 2023, they took me from a terrible place with my companion Żabka. Our owner, our torturer, abused us. 2 weeks ago he was finally convicted of what he did. Unfortunately, my beloved Żabka did not live up to see ithe sentence. I will always remember her. Now I am alone, but in the end I have the care I need - and from a neglected pile of dreadlocks I became a beautiful Caucasian Shepperd dog. I'm 8 years old, I'm big and I think I look pretty nice now. Unfortunately, I have a chronic issue with my ears and joints. Please - give me supplements for joints. chews and an ear rinsing liquid. I need it very much.

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