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Chrytatywna Choinka




Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami w Polsce Oddział w Suwałkach

Ho, ho, ho! You have landed on Pianka's website! Could there be a more festive cat than me? I could accompany people drinking cocoa with marshmallows... I started daydreaming... But let's get to the point! I got to the cat shop covered in some purple chemicals, I don't really know what it was, but washing the dye off me with water, shampoos and foams took a lot of time and patience - mine and my aunts', but of course mainly my patience. I'm a petite cat, I don't grow much, I don't gain weight very well. My aunts are laughing at me because I've been pretending to be a kitten for a year now, but they huff and puff, they give me bites so that I can eat and not lose weight... Despite my small stature, I'm the boss in the cattery! Sometimes I need gastro food, certainly flora for the intestines. And something delicious!

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