Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Sonia and I'm about 6 years old. I am a lady! Delicate, composed, I like peace. I like to give a bit, but I really get along with everyone. I like when something is happening around me, so dressing in bows or clothes is fun for me! I walk beautifully on a leash and although I know the life of a city dog ​​poorly, I learn quickly and nothing is terrible for me! I am calm in the house, I like to relax. Trust me and give me a chance for a house! If you can only help me and my comrades from the pen, we will be happy with a small package with food. Will you help me? When buying dog food or visiting me? I live in Nasielsk near Warsaw. Tel. To Aunt Marta 500 707 082

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