Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

I am Stefan and I am blind. I was born like everyone, blind, bare, and I didn't see my mommy. Unlike others, I was meant to never see her. When my siblings slowly opened their eyes and finally saw their mother, I still saw only shadows. I've learned to live with it, but I always stood out from the rest, I was pushed, the last one at a bowl of food. I couldn't keep up with the rest. Now I see nothing. My only determinant is smell and hearing. My siblings slowly began to disappear and nobody wanted me. My man who fed us never stroked me, it quickly turned out that I was useless, worthless. I was abused. Surdered and frightened, I felt alone. I knew what love was but it suddenly disappeared and I was completely alone. Sometimes someone came to stroke me but I was repelled much more often. Pushed and pushed. I learned to run away from every hand. I learned that requests for a bit of tenderness end badly. However, my fate was to worsen even more. I was taken to the car, thrown like a sack of garbage and thrown out into the street. I saw nothing, a foreign place, foreign smells and I was completely alone in the darkness. The only thing I could do was lie down and wait for death, I didn't even try to look for food anymore. But people didn't let me. I was found by kind ladies who took me to a new home. I'm scared, I don't know what is still waiting for me. Please, give me a little trust and give me a chance for a home! If you can only help me and my comrades from the shelter, we will be happy even with a small package of food. Will you help me? Buy some food or visit me? I live in Nasielsk near Warsaw. Aunt Marta's phone is 500 707 082.

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