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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Psitulmnie w Zabrzu

Hello, my name is Bokmin. I am a medium-sized, approximately 10-year-old dog. I came to the Psitulmnie shelter on March 5, 2023 with my dog ​​Mimi. We come from Ukraine, our owner went to great lengths to make our escape together possible. Unfortunately the biggest problem occurred on the final stretch. She stayed in a hostel that, as you might expect, did not allow pets. She also couldn't stay with her sister because Mimi doesn't get along with other dogs except me. Due to our great intimacy, no we could have been separated and the owner, with a heavy heart, gave us to the shelter. She promised that she would do everything in her power to pick us up as soon as possible. We hope this will happen. We recently received a package with a blanket and treats. It allowed us to do so remind you of a substitute for home. Generally speaking, I am a nice, calm and in very good condition older dog. I don't have any major problems and, as requested by our owner, I don't have much contact with other dogs. Mimi and I use the runway every day, where we can sniff around a bit, play, and see the world from a different perspective. When I receive a reward from the caregiver, I eat it and wait for more :) I respond to the gesture (sit, stay, come to me). I have current vaccinations and deworming. I'm also microchipped and neutered."

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