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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Psitulmnie w Zabrzu

Hi. My name is Blezz, but everyone calls me Oskar. When I came here for the first time I was still a young man. The owner got rid of me on June 9, 2011 attaching me to a shelter fence. I had problems with lack of confidence, I was afraid. I didn't see how I sould behave. Already at that time, the shelter staff were looking for an experienced person, patient for me. On September 7, 2011, I was hoping that my life will change incredibly. I lived with another dog, they sent photos how I rest on couch. Until November 13, 2015, I had a house for four years. My owner went abroad and the person who was supposed to take care over me could not cope with me at all. Why people adopt by giving us a chance for a better tomorrow, then give it back either? They just abandon us.

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