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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie SOS Koty Mielec

My aunts don't know, and I don't even want them to know what terrible thing happened to me before I got to Pu-Chatka. They only saw a piece of bone that was visible from the loss of my hind leg. The pain I had to face was indescribable. The doctor prepared the stump while I was sleeping under anesthesia. That's all I know. The area on my leg has healed beautifully and I no longer have any pain. Well, maybe sometimes a little hearty when they stop petting me and leave the room. I really need a little more stroking than they can give me. That's why I know they're just aunties. That someone will come one day who will tell me that he loves me! That this is what she wants me to be, a three-legged dog with soft fur and a heart on her paw. I'm waiting here and asking for consolation gifts.

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