Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie SOS Koty Mielec

I'm small, cute and cool! It makes a person fall in love with you in a second! I don't remember much, but when I was completely alone, something huge hit my fragile body. My paw hurt a lot, I cried loudly, but no one heard it for a week! I finally arrived, someone picked me up and even though it all scared me a lot, I wanted to be on that person all the time! They kept me in a cage and had to go somewhere all the time. I screamed loudly when I saw them and my aunt burst into tears and took me home! It says something else about it being temporary, but I don't know what that means, and all that matters to me is that I got what I wanted. I love eating pork loin and only eat food from a bag, cans are useless. Oh, I like to lounge in a hammock on the window, so I can control the world while I sleep.

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