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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie SOS Koty Mielec

I was born somewhere in the countryside, unfortunately as an unwanted cat, because one day, when I was playing with my mother and my siblings, a man put us in a box and took us somewhere... When I was biting and scratching the box in terror, I managed to make a hole. We found ourselves somewhere in the forest. Alone with my mother, scared. I don't know how long it had been going on, but we were very hungry. Finally someone in the car saw us! He gathered us little ones and our mother, took us with him, took care of us and found shelter right here in Pu-Chatka, where I was the last one left from my family. I am invisible to people visiting us, I am afraid of strangers. I already know that now that I'm big, I won't find a home so quickly, although deep in my heart I would like to. I'm a good boy, I try my best not to be a problem here.

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