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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie SOS Koty Mielec

It was already cold, I was walking around the village and looking for something to eat. I stared at something across the street. I ran out and suddenly a huge force hit me, breaking the bones of my skull. Suddenly I couldn't move anymore and I was lying there by the ditch, waiting for the mercy of the people who lived so nearby. But they probably thought I was already dead because they didn't come to help for at least the next two days. I slowly faded away but suddenly someone leaned over me. He brought me to Mielec and the fight for my life began. A fight I never thought I was worth. But here it's different. They snatched another chance from fate for me. Unfortunately, I will spend the rest of my life without seeing the charms of this world. I am blind and have also lost my sense of smell, which is so important to me. I moved into a temporary home where my life is better than I could have dreamed of. I really don't know what I did to deserve this, I'm just an unwanted country cat...

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