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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie SOS Koty Mielec

I'm Cudak. Once I was walking along a country road, lost, cold, dirty and resigned. A man stopped and decided to help me because he knew a place where they would do everything to give a new meaning to my life. My fur slowly regained its pure white color. My ruffled and sick ears have also improved, but their tips do not want to heal completely, which is why they scheduled me for an examination that will, I hope, rule out this terrible disease. I really crave human closeness, whenever I can, I approach my aunts and ask for a moment of attention. I hear them talking and worrying about the over 100 cats who, like me, are waiting for their long-awaited real home, one with a human to own. So I wait here politely and hope that someone will finally love me and be able to take me home.

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