Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie SOS Koty Mielec

I'm Sofi. First of all, I have to share with you the news that I have just returned from adoption... But don't be sad about this story. Unfortunately, the house I went to, although it seemed very safe, was not accepted by the resident cat, she beat me... There I was stuck in a tight corner, I didn't want to eat, and I missed my friends from Pu-Chatka very much. Once upon a time, I was expelled and unwanted - I was a stray cat living in an allotment. The good man made sure I had something to eat and a place to hide. Because unfortunately the other cats in the area sensed my submission and tormented and beat me. That's why my aunts took me from there and gave me a warm corner in Pu-Chatka, where there are also other cats, but good ones - I made friends with them. I feel loved and safe here, I thank my aunts very much for that and I hope they will forgive me for staying here longer.

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