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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie SOS Koty Mielec

I'm Pralinka, sweet but a little scared and afraid. My aunts say I'm beautiful and I believe them, but I don't understand why no one wants me... I guess there are too many homeless cats in the world, because I see that we can't fit them in Pu-Chatka anymore, and there are 110 here, including over 40 cat babies. They brought me here with my brother Ptyś because someone had thrown us out into the allotment and we were crying for our mother. A nice lady said that her heart hurts when she looks at us and she came to us with food, but it was dangerous there and the lady asked her aunts to take us to Pu-Chatka. Here we play, eat a lot, dig out gravel and wait very much for homes. We will probably spend Christmas at Pu-Chatka, so we would like to get a lot of delicious food, toys and a warm bed.

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